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Secrets Revealed!! Make Your Own ROKU TV Channel + EXPOSED Person + Outrageous claims


Secret Revealed!!! Make your own PARANORMAL ROKU TV channel.

Its come to light that a few teams are saying they have a TV show / channel, they have producers and have signed contracts to appear on ROKU.

This is indeed false, and sadly just a sheet to pull over peoples eyes on success, Today im going to show you how to MAKE YOUR OWN ROKU Channel – FREE

No Outside Producers – No Contracts – Your Own Creative Mind – Your Own Media Channel.

So what is Roku?

Roku is a “streaming video web player” directly from the website  Its more like a video on demand library,  Not  a Cable or Sat  TV Channel or a TV Channel Provider. Its an Internet Streaming Video Player…

What that cleared up.. It is still a good option to go on roku, why not… it will appeal you to a wider audience of course mainly USA customers have the roku media player, abit of promotion about your channel and you could get a steady bunch of viewers who will visit your channel. i figure it was time to let this rabbit out of the hat and real that anyone can indeed make a channel on this media player. and this is how to do it 🙂

All you need is 2 links

A free roku developer account  –

A free Instant TV channel Account –

Make a developer account and a  free instant TV channel account and follow the steps listed on the link above, to have your own ROKU Media Channel “not a TV channel”

TV is 24 hour circle loop.. ..

So go on paranormal PEEPS… get making your own channel now 🙂 take advantage while you can! #SECRET REVEALED

Now on another note!!!! EXPOSED and Outrageous Claims 

There is a bunch of claims going about saying people have captured the best evidence of intelligent ghost communication yet to be released, this is a number of teams and people..

My advice would be to not make such bold claims the skeptics of the field have gone all soft on evidence and on peoples reports, i dont see many people pushing for questions and answers, (skeptics and believers) i dont see people looking in depth of “How this can happen” that seems to be forgotten in the field, Ghosts have not yet been scientifically proven to exist within the lifetime of the human race, ghosts spirits what ever you want to call them no one really knows what one is or what one can do until we capture it and study its abilities. Alot of today’s most known ghost videos are proven to be faked.. and alot of videos are miss leaded “real ghost caught on tape” “real undeniable proof of a ghost impossible to debunk” Real ghost attacks a person” Etc.. these are just search terms to earn money for content creators. IT WINDS ME UP when i see them, then watching the footage frustrates me even more, 9 out of 10 times is a sketch video made by a horror movie fan and the other 1 out of 10 times is normally a paranormal group using the tags to mislead people also to gain the popularity vote and con the viewers into what ever they are showing..

How should these tags be? 

Is this a ghost caught on tape? Real Evidence of a ghost? Is this a true paranormal attack?

People should be posing questions not making BOLD claims, you are asking to be shot down if you are this thing kind of thing! and i will be watching..

The skeptics need to come out of the woodwork more now as we are getting wrong contents and wrong wordings thrown into the public eye trying to con them! I for one will not hesitate no more to speak what i truly feel… we are all entitled to an opinion and if my opinion is i think its fake i will say what i feel. “not 100% claim it to be fake” and i will say why! 

Group admin Bully’s!!!

now a friend in the field messaged me with some outrageous behaviour by an ADMIN in a well known Ghost hunting community group on Facebook called “paranormal ghosts spirits orbs and astrology. 37k members..

Screen shots below show the group admin giving out some abuse to Kristy, in essence jason called Kristy’s group a “shit one” and was bang out of order, Krsty replied rather in a manner which could have been better but i couldn’t fault her. Jason then PM kirsty and said the below.

Are these group admins good for the community?? NO..

Shame shame shame.. #EXPOSED.

This is not an expose on the group page but an expose on the guy with the attitude!
Also it has been brought to my attention that certain folk (admins) like to discrimate against peoples ability and diabilities, yet if theirs was highlighten would be quick to screen shot it and share it around!! 

My skepticism is also queationed i am open minded and have never lied that i used to be a believer and i need a certain amount of  proof for myself, which up to yet i havent had.

Being a open minded skeptic means i will try different devices to experiment with…as of yet myself on my own has never used the echovox…show me a video where i have!! but i am open to experiment with different ideas!! would it make me a believer…..NO i need a certain amount of evidence for my own personal experience.

Also can i just say people question what does it concern me? well people come to me expecting support (like being sent edited  screen shots passed on between individuals…yes sent to ME) then these being shared between groups..  so in adidition i offer to help….do i think im special in the field…no…but i do think i might be making a difference.


Until next time! Sleep Tight! #theparanormalskeptic



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