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The Feeling of Been Watched – Is It Paranormal? COOL FACT.

The Feeling of been watched, how many of us have felt it? Public Poll Revealed. 

Maybe you have been out investigating, and you get a strange vibe, where you feel someone is watching you. normally this vibe is given off by a REAL person.

Our Skin have micro sensitive intelligent sensors which are all lined to our brain, and our skin is i think the first thing to send a signal to the brain and causes a reaction to the rest of the body. With blind folding our eyes, skin can detect objects without been touched with it, and its all controlled subconsciously.

So when someone is looking at you for real, you turn and see them, they then turn away fast.. this is because your skin alerted your brain. MAD ISN’T IT?

So when you are out investigating and get that feeling, no one is there.. what caused it?

Since we know its our skin what tricks us into this, it is possible that our skin sensors are experiencing some interaction with electromagnetic fields or static which are causing them to move rapidly sending a strange sensation to the brain, which makes you think its the “Someone is looking at you vibe”.

2 thoughts on “The Feeling of Been Watched – Is It Paranormal? COOL FACT.

  1. Not had the feeling of been watched, but I have had the feeling of being watched!

  2. See science AND the paranormal can work so well together 😀 XXX

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